An Arab from Ahwaz

My land has been occupied since 1925. I have neither the right to learn in my native Arabic, nor to wear Arabic ethnic dress. There are no books about my ancestors, or the Sheikhs who once ruled this land. 

I was born in Iran and lived there till the age of 22. I read, write and speak Persian as well as any Persian.

43 days have passed since I left Iran. I want to write everything I know about this country. Everything that I have been through and experienced the 22 years I lived there. About its politics and history. Everything that should be written about.

Iran is a country where racism has spread like Corona has taken hold in China. Its people consider themselves the finest in the world.

Racism has cast a shadow over my life from the very beginning. In every place; from school all the way to university. In banks and offices, in airports and stations, in taxis and on the streets. I did not have a moment’s rest from this stifling air of contempt.

The band of robbers ruling the country led by Ali Khameini, have all got blood on their hands. There is no nation in the world that hasn’t had their sons taken from them by these criminals. There is much to say, and much to tell about this secretive country.

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